Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My very first blog entry

Hi! This is new to me, I am way behind on the whole blogging craze... I've been at home with my beautiful little girl Evianne (Evi), she's 15 months and the center of my universe...now that I'm working I actually have time to sit at a computer and mess around, you'd think I could do that kind of thing at home but if you believe that it's possible, you are not the mom of a toddler yet :)

Soon to come will be lots of nutrition and other wellness articles, advice, mom stuff, an advertisement for the escape@home business that I have had running for a while now, and who knows what else...you'll get to know the 'flakey' side of me that I usually have to ease people into, I don't think it's weird, I think it's spiritual, passionate and highly misunderstood.

Talk to you soon,

Steph - I mean, yogamama


At 6:44 AM, Blogger erinvironment said...

Yay Steph!!

Welcome to the world of blogging :)

Look forward to reading your updates!



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