Sunday, September 03, 2006

Preventing Disease by Stephanie Forgues

Contrary to popular belief, disease is not inevitable. You mustn’t surrender to the idea that you will get cancer, or you will inherit specific family illnesses. Heredity means that you are predisposed to certain illnesses but you are not definitely going to end up with them. What it means is that you are in need of more specific nutrients to protect yourself.

An insane amount of research indicates that disease is related to poor diet. Adapting to a new way of eating and living will help you to protect your cells and keep them safe from harm.

Most of us don’t link the two together, food and health. Doesn’t it make perfect sense? Our bodies aren’t garbage cans, they are our vehicles through this life that we must maintain or they will break down.

A natural food diet will reduce heart attacks and pretty much all other diseases. Keep in mind that these deadly illnesses weren’t around until recent years, interestingly, they weren’t around before convenience food such as frozen entrees and packaged quick foods laden with unknown substances used as preservatives.We, as humans, are natural creatures; we are not machines that can handle synthetic products. It’s no wonder our bodies break down; we are constantly pouring into them disease-causing substances, most of this is done unknowingly, innocently. Could it be the brainwashing by the media? Persistent marketing to make us believe if we eat this it will make us healthy, slim, smart and anything else people dream of being?

If anything, these products make us stupid. There is a lot of ‘food’ out there that strips much needed nutrients from our cells, even our brain cells. For example, caffeine and refined items such as white flour and white sugar.

Listed below are just a few of the disease-fighting foods and beverages that you can consume to help in protecting yourself from fierce diseases and even common everyday illness like colds and flues.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflowerBlueberriesSpinach, kaleTomatoesPomegranates
Garlic, Onions
Green and/or white tea

Eat well, stay balanced, protect yourself, and consider a natural, healthy long life. You and your family don’t have to suffer.


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