Sunday, September 03, 2006

ESCAPE @ HOME (fun times for the women) - An ad for my company

Host an escape @ home...your friends will thank you!
Get your girlfriends together for a day of blissful escape.
My therapeutic entourage will come to your home and provide services that will let you escape from the stresses of your everyday life, at least for one day.
Services to be chosen from, but not limited to, for your escape @ home are the following:

Massage Therapy
Hot Stone Therapy
Aqua Chi Detoxifying Foot Soak
Manicures & Pedicures

Perks are available to you if you are welcome to choose any or all services for your escape day.

For more information or to book your escape @ home now, call (613) 498-2952 or email


"I hosted an escape day for 10 friends. All of guests commented on the high quality treatments from the escape day professionals. In addition to the restorative benefits of the professional treatments, the day was an excellent way to reconnect with old friends in a relaxed setting. Among my guests were a college student, busy professionals, new mothers and seasoned 'hockey moms'. All of these individuals loved having the opportunity to forget about their daily concerns and to focus on taking care of themselves and enjoying the company of friends."

Julie F, Richmond, ON

Preventing Disease by Stephanie Forgues

Contrary to popular belief, disease is not inevitable. You mustn’t surrender to the idea that you will get cancer, or you will inherit specific family illnesses. Heredity means that you are predisposed to certain illnesses but you are not definitely going to end up with them. What it means is that you are in need of more specific nutrients to protect yourself.

An insane amount of research indicates that disease is related to poor diet. Adapting to a new way of eating and living will help you to protect your cells and keep them safe from harm.

Most of us don’t link the two together, food and health. Doesn’t it make perfect sense? Our bodies aren’t garbage cans, they are our vehicles through this life that we must maintain or they will break down.

A natural food diet will reduce heart attacks and pretty much all other diseases. Keep in mind that these deadly illnesses weren’t around until recent years, interestingly, they weren’t around before convenience food such as frozen entrees and packaged quick foods laden with unknown substances used as preservatives.We, as humans, are natural creatures; we are not machines that can handle synthetic products. It’s no wonder our bodies break down; we are constantly pouring into them disease-causing substances, most of this is done unknowingly, innocently. Could it be the brainwashing by the media? Persistent marketing to make us believe if we eat this it will make us healthy, slim, smart and anything else people dream of being?

If anything, these products make us stupid. There is a lot of ‘food’ out there that strips much needed nutrients from our cells, even our brain cells. For example, caffeine and refined items such as white flour and white sugar.

Listed below are just a few of the disease-fighting foods and beverages that you can consume to help in protecting yourself from fierce diseases and even common everyday illness like colds and flues.
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflowerBlueberriesSpinach, kaleTomatoesPomegranates
Garlic, Onions
Green and/or white tea

Eat well, stay balanced, protect yourself, and consider a natural, healthy long life. You and your family don’t have to suffer.

Your Toxic Shopping Cart by Stephanie Forgues

Chances are that you choose your groceries with the best intentions for your family’s health. The scary thing is, unless you have studied nutrition, you really don’t fully understand what it is that you are putting into your grocery cart.

Grocery labels are now apparently “reader friendly”, but they can still be quite complicated for the average shopper. On a product label, it may say “carbohydrates”, but doesn’t that word give you mixed emotions? You have heard that carbs are the enemy, but are you aware that there are good carbs (complex) and bad carbs (simple or refined)? There is no separation between the two on a product label. I find it’s much easier to read the list of ingredients instead. There is no need to get flustered trying to figure out the fat content and the calories and the fat from calories and the percentages and measurements and so on. Chances are, it will overwhelm you and you might end up ignoring it altogether, putting your health in jeopardy.

Scan for these key words and if you see them, put the product down and move on!

*Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated – this is where your trans fats come from. It is a processing term meaning oils have been heated to very high temperatures to convert something into a spread-able form (like margarine or some peanut butters) and gives the product a longer shelf life. It changes the chemical components of the ‘food’ and creates very ill effects to the cells in your body. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to remove this word from your grocery cart. It’s the deadliest word on a nutrition label.

*Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – A preservative and flavor enhancer. This nasty chemical encourages you to eat more, even if you are no longer hungry. Not to mention it has been known to cause migraines, blurred vision, behavioral problems in children and difficulty focusing. Yummy, can I have some?

*Nitrates – These toxic substances are added to meat products such as bacon, hot dogs, ham, sausages, and bologna to help keep their pinkish color. If it’s not added, the meat will turn gray. Danger occurs in the body when nitrates are consumed, such as cancer, dizziness, hyperactivity, and a lack of oxygen to the brain. Nitrates are forbidden in baby food. If it were not good for baby, why would it be good for a child? Parents are still serving hot dogs at birthday parties! A very frightening concept! There are alternatives.

*Aspartame – A sweetener, as well as a poison, it can cause seizures or death! Also, over time, aspartame builds up in the body causing severe damage to the nervous system. Watch out for “diet” products and “fat free” advertising.

Colors or dyes: Not a natural substance and should be avoided. Color is usually added to cakes, snacks, drinks, you know, fun foods. Coloring added to food has been known to cause asthma attacks and hyperactivity in children.

Another rule of thumb: If you can’t pronounce it, it’s not something you should be putting into your body in the first place.

Pesticides, unfortunately, are not labeled on produce. You can rest assured that if you choose certified organic produce you will notice a better quality of life from eating food free of pesticides and other drugs. Pesticides translate to “pest killers”, which do have an adverse effect on a human body. After all, it is a murderous spray!

Fresh is best, frozen and canned are lower in nutrients and contain extra ingredients as preservatives, such as sugar and salt.

Of course, ALL toxic ingredients sitting on your grocer’s shelves have not been listed in this article but removing the above words is a definite start to a healthy grocery cart.

Being informed can help you better nurture your family nutritionally.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Little Angel Has a Twin

Here is my angel, Evianne Brooklyn Heidecker, born May 11, 2005 naturally, beautifully and totally healthy!

I actually met her twin the other day, it was the craziest thing, it was Saturday and I am still stunned! Evi and I were at the park with my sister Marie when this little girl comes running over...her Dad said her name and I was like "What did you say her name is?" - He replied "Evi, short for Evelyn". Ok that's cool, another Evi, not a common name, but this girl looked SO MUCH like my Evi that it was shocking.

I found out she was exactly one month and a day younger than my Evi. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, same as my Evi, she had a birth mark on back of her head, that too, just like my Evi. The mom walks over and says, "I have to warn you, she's a bit of a bully", well it's no secret that my Evi isn't a dainty little girl either.

I watched these two very similar girls happily playing together on the play structure, in the sand, both running around pushing their strollers, trying to put on large shoes that didn't belong to them.

I only wish I had my camera to capture this 'coincidence' or that Joel was there to share in the awe that I was feeling. We will probably never see this couple and their little Evi again since they are from Ottawa and were just in Arnprior visiting for a birthday party but if we do, I'm sure to be ready with my camera because it's just too freaky!

Healthful Tips to Consider

Here is an article I wrote, published in the Equity today:

There is so much information out there that is unknown to the average person. After studying Applied Nutrition I realized that most of what I was doing with my food was wrong. I was not benefiting from what I was eating because of how I was eating or preparing it.

Knowing just these few tips could help you become healthier than you already are. I feel it is important that I share these tidbits with you so you can be a part of the wonderful world of super nourished individuals.

Steam or bake, don’t boil your vegetables, boiling removes most of the nutrients; they all go into the water and down the drain instead of into your precious self.

Eat all day, live the healthy way - Three large meals a day, as I’m sure you’ve all grown up on, is the wrong way to eat. Our bodies need room to digest our food. That full feeling after a meal might make you feel satisfied and comforted but what it’s really doing is causing a traffic jam in your stomach, system overload that results in deadly consequenses. Eat three smaller meals and snack in between.

Never drink water with your meals, water is excellent and necessary; however, it should be consumed about half hour before meals and not for about 1-2 hours following meals. The reason is that there is hydrochloric acid in your stomach that breaks down and takes the nutrients from the food you eat, distributing them to the appropriate cells, organs and glands. If you drink water too close to eating, the water dilutes this acid and most of the nutrients and minerals don’t stop along the way to do their job in keeping you healthy. How do I wash down my food, you ask? Chew chew chew. Fifty percent of digestion occurs in the mouth, don’t skip this crucial step.

Always eat fruit on an empty stomach. Fruit is a fast runner through that complex race track that is your digestive system. If fruit enters the race after heavier foods have already started to creep through, the fruit piles up on top of the other food and ends up acting like glue in your system, keeping waste in when it should be coming out.

Vary the fruits, vegetables, grains, and other products you eat in a day. Whole wheat is great and common, but shake it up and try other grains throughout your day as well, there is a vast array of delicious bread and grains such as kamut, spelt, oat, etc. Too much of something can eventually lead to allergic responses to that food you’ve loved for so long.

Reduce your intake of red meats. More red meat makes a person more aggressive. Meat also takes longer to digest. The longer the food stays in your body, the more work your body has to do to get rid of it. Most disease starts in the digestive system. Get it in, move it out.

Eat organic as much as possible, not just produce, but meats, pastas, legumes (beans, peas, etc). Give your liver a rest; pesticides and hormones are extra toxins for it to battle.

Follow these simple healthful tips, take the time to shop around and try different things. Your body will thank you for that extra ounce of effort.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My very first blog entry

Hi! This is new to me, I am way behind on the whole blogging craze... I've been at home with my beautiful little girl Evianne (Evi), she's 15 months and the center of my that I'm working I actually have time to sit at a computer and mess around, you'd think I could do that kind of thing at home but if you believe that it's possible, you are not the mom of a toddler yet :)

Soon to come will be lots of nutrition and other wellness articles, advice, mom stuff, an advertisement for the escape@home business that I have had running for a while now, and who knows what'll get to know the 'flakey' side of me that I usually have to ease people into, I don't think it's weird, I think it's spiritual, passionate and highly misunderstood.

Talk to you soon,

Steph - I mean, yogamama