Sunday, September 03, 2006

ESCAPE @ HOME (fun times for the women) - An ad for my company

Host an escape @ home...your friends will thank you!
Get your girlfriends together for a day of blissful escape.
My therapeutic entourage will come to your home and provide services that will let you escape from the stresses of your everyday life, at least for one day.
Services to be chosen from, but not limited to, for your escape @ home are the following:

Massage Therapy
Hot Stone Therapy
Aqua Chi Detoxifying Foot Soak
Manicures & Pedicures

Perks are available to you if you are welcome to choose any or all services for your escape day.

For more information or to book your escape @ home now, call (613) 498-2952 or email


"I hosted an escape day for 10 friends. All of guests commented on the high quality treatments from the escape day professionals. In addition to the restorative benefits of the professional treatments, the day was an excellent way to reconnect with old friends in a relaxed setting. Among my guests were a college student, busy professionals, new mothers and seasoned 'hockey moms'. All of these individuals loved having the opportunity to forget about their daily concerns and to focus on taking care of themselves and enjoying the company of friends."

Julie F, Richmond, ON


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